I could easily be the guilty party. Once again I had let clean clothes pile up in the laundry room. I was running up and down the stairs retrieving baskets full of laundry. Could I have closed the door behind me hard enough to slice off part of my kitty???
We never heard a sound out of her. I was putting clothes away when my beloved hubby came to me with a piece of fluff in his hand, stating he had a piece of Macchi's tail.
"Yeah right" I laughed.
"No, I'm serious. Look!" He retorted.
Upon closer examination I could see the beautiful white and orange striped tip of my feline's tail with just a bit of bone beneath it.
Immediately the search for the injured animal began. She was discovered huddled in the basement beneath a workbench, bleeding slightly from the tip of her tail, but still sweet as could be.
Though I feared animal cruelty charges may be filed against me, an emergency Sunday call to the vet was mandatory. His instructions were to bandage the tail to prevent blood splatter from spreading throughout the house and to bring her in first thing in the morning. Amputation may be necessary.
There was no bandaging that cat. No way - no how. She was one mad kitty when it came to her tail - and who would blame her?! So she was confined to the basement until morning.

"We can rebuild her. She'll be better, stronger, faster..."
No, I'm kidding - that picture is just for fun.
The vet thought it best to take just a bit of her tail off due to a vertebrae being exposed. Three weeks later (and a lot of hissing and growling not typical of this laid back cat) she's good as new. Well, with a slightly shorter tail, that is.

We love you Macchi!
I enjoyed this very much. I mean, poor poor kitty, but it made a great read.
Poor kitty. I heard this one over the phone, and the written version still made me laugh. Loving the Mark/Macchi hybrid.
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