I was rather pleased with the news I received this afternoon regarding Orin's latest HbA1c test. The result was a very nice 6.9! (Target number is anything 7 or under.) If my memory is functioning properly, it's not the best score - that was a 6.2 - but still, 6.9 is a number worthy of celebrating. Dr Shewmon (Orin's Endocrinologist) says kids Orin's age just don't have numbers like this.
This actually amazes me since the blood sugar target range we use is higher than what an adult would use. Most adults try to keep their blood sugar between 80 -120. We aim for around 150. Since Orin is growing SO FAST, this gives us a healthy cushion.
Orin's blood sugar was very high most of last night while he slept. (Upper 400s) I was feeling fairly lousy about that. Just when I needed some good news, God dropped some in my lap.
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