April 2, 2009

Focused on the Food

With a most dreadful look on his face, Logan told me he was sent to the principal’s office. My reaction, of course was “WHAT?! WHY?!” Logan never gets into trouble.

He began to tell me a story which made me laugh.

In line for lunch someone (we’ll call him kid #1) apparently said something I don’t care to repeat to another kid (we’ll call him kid #2). Both are friends of Logan’s. Logan was standing next to kid #1 and wasn’t paying any attention until kid #1 screamed the unspeakable something for the entire lunchroom to hear. There was some commotion and kids #1 and #2 were taken to the office.

Some time later Logan was called to the Principal’s office as a witness. Mr. Frank asked Logan what went down in the lunch line. Logan said as he slapped his belly, “Mr. Frank, I was hungry. I just wanted to feed my gut. I was so focused on the food I don’t know who said what.”

Mr. Frank chuckled and told Logan to return to his class.

Anyone who knows my son knows he wasn’t exaggerating. The boy loves his food. This time his love of food kept him from having to rat out a friend – even if it was deserved.