The evening passed by as usual, except we happened to cook out over a fire in the back yard beneath the seemingly slumbering bat. We celebrated Orin's birthday with friends of his. After the gifts were opened and the food and such was cleared away, I ventured upstairs to the window where the bat was hanging out to see if I could snap a closer picture of it.

Mark, Matthew and a neighbor boy were standing in the driveway watching. I opened up the window and took a picture or two then thought it would be fun to make it move. Though Mark warned me it would fly directly into my hair, they were going to toss me a stick with which to poke the poor thing.
I chickened out. Instead I blew towards it.
Two puffs of air was all it took. That little sucker took off like a streak! I heard a completely horrified holler come from somewhere deep inside me. I thought for sure it would fly into my hair and then into the bedroom to which the window was open. As fast as it took off, I was back inside the window with the screen pulled down tight. While I was sliding back in the window the bat dive-bombed Mark. All three guys in the driveway shrieked like little girls and ran with arms flailing.
Oh, how I wish I had the scene on video. I laughed so hard. I love it when guys scream like little girls.
That second picture IS kind of cute. Too bad it's A BAT.
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