This year I got it into my head that I just HAD to make the boys their Halloween costumes myself. Quite honestly, I enjoyed it and I think they turned out great, but I'm not so sure I'll be doing it again next year.
Orin's mummy was by far the most difficult. Once we got the hang of how to keep the cheesecloth on it wasn't nearly as difficult. Of course I didn't get the hang of it until I was nearly finished, but that's how it goes. I don't know what I'd have done if Mark hadn't suggested using a spray adhesive to keep the gauze attached. As usual, his suggestion worked beautifully. Earlier in the day Orin took second place at a costume party!

Sweat pants, hooded sweat shirt, socks and an old broken umbrella. Sounds simple, right? I sure thought so. It always SOUNDS simple. But when I sit down to actually put it together I form some sort of mental block and nothing seems simple anymore. All in all, this one turned out great too. Matthew was thrilled with his bat and wants to be a bat again next year.

Loganstein. This costume was great. $5.00 for the suit jacket at Goodwill. And maybe another $1.00 for the green makeup. Oh - there were the shoulder pads too. And the paint. And the hair color. But still, much less expensive than a store bought costume and much more fun. Mark made wooden blocks to attach to his shoes and spray painted them black. The blocks made him walk weird - authentic. He looked great - right down to the bolts in his neck!

Somehow or other Macchi wound up wearing Loganstein's neck bolts. She didn't mind a bit. Maybe we should have painted her face green. Poor kitty.