The boys got home from school one day and before they were all the way inside the door I hear from Logan "You'll be getting a call from the principal."
"Great. NOW what?" I asked.
"Matthew colored on the school." States Logan.
"Aaannd" starts Orin "He won't listen to Safety Patrol."
When I questioned the trio further, I learned that Matthew found a crayon on the playground, picked it up and decided it would be a good color for the school's wall.
In addition, he's been being a stinker to those in charge of waking the "walkers" to and from school.
I immediately called the school to let them know we'd be coming scrub the wall. They were appreciative and said there would be lesser consequences because we were handling things from home.
I was almost disappointed when I saw the damage. So much fuss over such a small amount of "art". If he was going to get himself in trouble, he could have made it worth his while. (At least he chose a school color.)
A little WD40 and some soapy water to scrub that off afterwards and voila! No more blue brick.
As for the attitude adjustment - the threat of having to hold hands with an older brother on the way to and from school was enough to deal with that.
"You'll be getting a call from the principal ..." - words to warm every mother's heart!
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