January 13, 2009


Today Logan had his very first guitar lesson. We weren't sure what to expect. Would he actually play the guitar or simply learn to read the music and how to hold the instrument properly, etc.

I dropped him off and took the younger two to the library while we waited. Upon picking Logan up, the smile he greeted me with literally reached from ear to ear. He was ecstatic! All other noise faded into the background as I eagerly listened to his excited chatter. The wild excitement in his eyes nearly brought tears of joy to mine.

He learned to play the intro to Smoke On The Water. Wow!! I'm certain we'll hear it over and over and over and over until we want to scream, but that's ok. His excitement about music is exciting to me!

This evening Orin and I were out shopping for jeans (yes again). I picked up a couple pairs for Logan I found on the clearance rack. When we got home I made him try them on. They are longer than my own jeans yet they fit him just fine. After he went to bed I was folding laundry and happened to notice his tennis shoe laying on the floor, so I tried it on. Would you believe it fit?! This boy is nearly as tall as me in 4th grade.

Logan is thoughtful, helpful and kind most of the time. Of course he has his moments - as does any 9 year old boy, but he's a great kid. He seems to be exceptionally well liked at school - both by his classmates and by his teachers. He often tries to be the peacemaker between his brothers, yet I often find him being an instigater as well. He's weird, and not afriad of being different and that makes him fun. Logan has a great sense of humor and a big desire to please.

I'm proud of you Log!!