January 1, 2009

Why Mark's Knee Hurts

Logan has a snowboard. He was trying it out today for the first time. It looked like fun. I tried it out and fell several times, but didn't get hurt. (Unbelievably) Mark just had to give it a go and of course he couldn't just do it in the grass - safely - the way we were. He had to act like he knew what he was doing. He chose to attempt the sled path. Down the small hill on the side of the house, over the driveway and continuing down the hill to the edge of the ravine.

He looked great on his way down the small hill. I was awed by his talent when he made it over the driveway. It was when he hit a rock on the other side of the driveway which sent him spiraling into the air at least three feet that I became concerned. He came down on his knee with quite a crash.

He recovered quickly, laughing, but has decided his recliner is the best place for him.


Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Want to try some more laundry chemistry experiments?? Look what I found today:

Homemade fabric softener:


another homemade laundry soap (no borax):