March 29, 2009

High Fruity Corn Syrup

We've been trying to cut back on our consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). You can read why here.

One evening while Matthew was with his mother, Mark received a call from her. She said they had finished eating and gave each of the kids store-bought cookies. Matthew was seriously annoyed. He said he couldn't and wouldn't eat them. When they asked him why he said "because they have high fruity corn syrup in 'em and I'm not supposed to eat any of that stuff." They had no idea what he was talking about. When they asked him why not, he said "I don't know, you'll have to call my Daddy."

Apparently after reassurance from Daddy that it's ok to eat whatever food his Mom allows him to while he's with her, he did eat the cookie.

I'd like to think Matthew is figuring out which household has his best interest at heart, but perhaps it's more likely he was afraid he'd be in trouble if we found out he was eating high fruity corn syrup behind our back?


Ohio_Momto3boys said...

We try to keep an eye on that stuff and food colorings too. Aaron is especially sensitive and gets downright NASTY when he has orange or green colors.

Arnold breads have no HFCS. You can even get the extra fiber kind... you know to fuel the fire of ... boy noises.... I buy it at Walmart and freeze a bunch. Even Rich likes it; it doesn't taste like 'health food'.

Pauly Z said...

That's funny Min! I'm glad you're back to blogging; you're one of my favorites...bloggers that is...