April 30, 2009

Tasting Borax

Last night I made a batch of laundry detergent. I had a mixture of washing soda and borax in a bowl on the counter along with pots of hot water on the stove and various other ingredients sitting around. To the untrained eye I'm sure it looked like I was cooking something great. In the 47 seconds it took me to run downstairs and grab a bucket to pour everything into, Logan happened by and thought he'd taste the powdery substance in the bowl.

I came back up and Logan innocently asked "What's in that bowl?"

"Borax and washing soda." I said. Then thought *oh crap!*


"I just tasted it", he says. "I thought it was sugar."

I had him show me exactly how much. *Phew* Not enough to hurt anything. Barely enough to call a dusting touched to his lips.

So, to teach him a lesson I made him drink a huge glass of water followed by a huge glass of milk - to dilute the poison. Of course I told him it wasn't going to kill him, but we had to take this precaution...

When he looked ready to hurl I let him stop drinking and explained there are reasons I tell him not to taste whatever is on the counter. It's not just to be mean. Logan laughed and said I don't have to worry about that anymore. Not out of him anyway.