November 1, 2010

Reverse Cheating?

Parent/Teacher conference night has always been enlightening. Tonight's was no exception. It seems I have a "reverse cheater" on my hands. The teacher describing this is bewildered. Said child is apparently checking the papers of his neighbors during tests to make sure their answers are all correct. When it's discovered there is an incorrect answer, said child will let the neighbor know. Said child is quite concerned that everyone around him has good test scores. While I find this endearing, it obviously must cease.

Reverse cheating aside, we have "honest", "fun", "highly intelligent" children who "work hard" and have "integrity". They "don't need nagging" to get things done and "are always prepared".

What on earth am I doing wrong at home? Will it make a difference if I tell the boys to pretend our house is a school, I'm a teacher and the three of them are friends instead of brothers?

Halloween Costumes 2010

Matt the Bat! He liked last year's costume enough to go it again. I think he'll be ready for a change next year. His arms get tired holding up the bat wings all night.

Orin was a stick man. This is something he came up with on his own. Glow sticks and a black sweat suit. Clever.
Logan decided he's too old for trick-or-treating this year. He put on face paint and took off down the street on his wave board to observe the fun and somehow escaped the camera.

Matt's First Year for Flag Football

There were 0 wins, but lots of fun!