June 25, 2009

Three Types Of Lightning

New Wave Lightning
A great bolt of lightning shooting horizontally across the sky.

New Fashion Lightning
Lightning which illuminates the sky and/or clouds but no bolt is seen.

Old Fashioned Lightning
Impressive bolt(s) of lightning vertically lighting up the sky.

June 22, 2009


There is nothing better than listening to the boys talk to each other when they're not aware we're listening. Mark and I learned some interesting information this weekend eavesdropping on them in the back of the car.

Were you aware that we did the Japanese a huge favor dropping the atomic bombs on them during WW2? Prior to that they were living in the olden times - in black and white wearing triangle hats. Dropping those bombs on them and completely wiping out everything they had forced them to became technologically advanced. (Does that mean they ditched the triangle hats and became colorized?)

We were shortly thereafter asked when the 4th of July is. HA! Perhaps they don't know it all after all.