July 15, 2009

Matthew's Streak

Last night over supper all three boys got the giggles trying to tell us a story about Matthew and his underwear.

It was nearing time for me to arrive to pick up the boys. They got out of the pool to dry off and get dressed. After disrobing in the shower area Matthew discovered his underwear was missing. Thinking it may be at the bottom of the pool bag he returned to the poolside with only a towel wrapped around him to search. Finding the undies he shouted with glee "Yay! I found my underwear!". He then sprinted back towards the showers twirling the undies over his head yelling "My undies! My undies!" At some point during the fuss his towel had fallen below his tush. Did Matthew notice or even care? Of course not.

As Orin and Logan tell the story it was quite amusing to many people there.