March 18, 2010

Observation Log

It's a running joke in our family that I don't take my dishes to the sink after supper. Truth be told I would, but someone always grabs them before I get the chance - sometimes even before I'm done eating - just so they can say "Look who didn't take her plate to the sink again." One night I actually got the chance to take my plate to the sink before someone ripped it out from under me and later I saw someone had noted it on the calendar! HA!

The other evening at supper Orin was asking me if I knew what an observation log was. Having no clue what he was talking about, I said no. He explained it's like a journal of specific observations. His teacher singled him out in class and asked what the topic would be if he were to keep an observation log. Orin's reply was "How many times Mom actually takes her dishes to the sink". Then proceeded to tell his class how I never take my own dishes to the sink. The entire class found this hilarious.

That little turkey just gave me a great big dose of my own medicine. Now he knows how much fun it is to embarrass me. He may never cease.